[Copy Trading] Deposit to Bitget Exchange & Wallet Transfer Follow
To use Copy Trading, you need to deposit from your COINRF wallet to Bitget Exchange wallet.
The withdrawal process is easy and quick using the Quick Withdrawal.
1. Please select the exchange you wish to withdraw from.
2. Please enter the amount.
3. Please enter the Google OTP. Click the 'Quick Withdraw' button to complete the transfer.
When the Quick withdrawal is completed, proceed to the Copy Trading screen below
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1. Click the 'Transfer' button.
2. When the USDT transfer screen pops up, click the From : spot ↔ To : futures transfer button on the right arrow.
3. When the transfer is completed, your deposit to the futures wallet on your Bitget Exchange account has been finalized
Risk Warning: Futures trading carries substantial risk and the potential for significant profit and loss. In the event of severe price fluctuations, all margin balances may be liquidated. All trading strategies are subject to your discretion and risk, so please trade carefully.
[Click on the image below to go to the related service]
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If you have any questions, please use the Customer Center below.
★ Telegram: https://t.me/coinrf_com
★Customer Center inquiries: https://runningfox.zendesk.com/hc/us/requests/new
*Real-time chat consultation operation: 01:00-15:00 (UTC)