Order Book & Recent transactions Follow
1. Dual & Single Book
You can click Dual button or Single button to view it in two types
Dual: The long/short situation can be found simply in the top half circle graph.
Buying price and quantity on the left side (green), selling price and quantity on the right side (red).
Single: Long/short predominance is marked in the middle. The top is the selling price and quantity, and the bottom is the buying price and quantity.
2. Color marking according to quantity
Color marking varies depending on quantity and will be color marking for your position.
Your position is yellow
Quantities above 50 BTC are green
Quantities above 100 BTC are red
3. Depth.
1) Click on Depth at the top to divide it into 5 steps.
2) For example, if set to 1, the price marking is divided into 1 units.
4. Set unit for recent transactions
1) You can set it if you want to see the transaction more than a certain quantity among recent actual
All: All recent transactions will be marked.
1k+: Only 1k+ or more among the recent actual transactions will be marked.
5k+: Only 5k+ or more among the recent actual transactions will be marked.
10k+: Only 10k+ or more among the recent actual transactions will be marked.
50k+: Only 50k+ or more among the recent actual transactions will be marked.
5. Setting without Orderbook
Click the button to trade on a screen without a orderbook
[The screen without a orderbook]